Saturday, January 10, 2009

Fun with Cousins!

My nieces, Natalie and Tori, have been over to play a few times lately, and I got a few good shots of their sweet smiling faces. I have always loved my role as Aunt Bethy and still love it when I get to have some "aunty time" with any of my nieces or nephews!

Tori is almost 8 months old and on the verge of crawling. She is so sweet and smiley I just want to eat her up! Mason likes her too, still calling her "baby" even though soon the 5 months that separate them in age will seem like nothing at all. He also likes her pacifier and can often be found trying to steal it or with it in his own mouth if Mommy or Aunt Tiff is not paying enough attention. He better watch it because one day soon she'll be able to get him back!

How can you not love this little face?!

Natalie is four and a bundle of energy. She is such a smart little girl with an amazing imagination. Her current favorite name is Teresa if what she names her dolls and other toys is any indication. She loves to tell me what Mason is saying when she's here. Oddly enough, it's often what she is thinking and sounds very little like what Mason actually said. :) She is also the queen of getting song lyrics just a little bit wrong, which provides many great stories and laughs. (And don't try to convince her that she's wrong either--it makes sense to her!) For example, this Christmas she asked her mom what "tar" is; when her mom asked why she wanted to know, she explained that it was from the song, "We three kings of orien tar." And it's "Don't tell it on the mountain," contrary to what you might have thought before. She kills me.

Lots of static electricity in the ball pit!


Anonymous said...

Oh, the ball pit! :)

roduns said...

Cute pictures of Mason and his cousins! And I love the new picture of you and Brent and Mason. Super cute.

roduns said...

Ok, I also just realized that Mason is wearing the same shirt that Ethan is wearing in the picture of us on our blog. HA HA! Good Target taste! :)